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ClickHouse Integration

ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented database management system.

To integrate ClickHouse to Windmill, you need to save the following elements as a resource.

Add ClickHouse Resource

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefaultRequiredWhere to Find
hoststringHostname or IP of ClickHouse servertrueProvided by your hosting provider or found in the ClickHouse config file (config.xml)
usernamestringUsername for ClickHouse connectionfalseFound in the ClickHouse users config file (users.xml) or provided by your hosting provider
passwordstringPassword for ClickHouse connectionfalseFound in the ClickHouse users config file (users.xml) or provided by your hosting provider

Your resource can be used passed as parameters or directly fetched within scripts, flows and apps.

Example of a Supabase resource being used in two different manners from a script in Windmill.


Find some pre-set interactions with ClickHouse on the Hub.

Feel free to create your own ClickHouse scripts on Windmill.