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SurrealDB Integration

SurrealDB is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database.

To integrate SurrealDB to Windmill, you need to save the following elements as a resource.

Add SurrealDB Resource

PropertyTypeDescriptionRequiredWhere to find
namespacestringNamespace for the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Namespaces
databasestringDatabase name for the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Databases
scopestringScope of the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Scopes
userstringUsername for the SurrealDB instancefalseSurrealDB Dashboard -> Users
passstringPassword for the SurrealDB instancefalseSurrealDB Dashboard -> Users
urlstringURL of the SurrealDB instancefalseProvided by SurrealDB when you create the instance


Feel free to create your own SurrealDB scripts on Windmill.