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The modal is container called by a button. Once you click on the button, a modal will appear on which you can display other components.

The following section details Modal component's specific settings. For more details on the App Editor, check the dedicated documentation or the App Editor Quickstart:

modalTitlestringfalsefalseModal titleThe title of the modal.
buttonLabelstringtruefalsePress meThe button label.
buttonColorblue, red, dark, light, green, gray, nonefalsefalseblueThe button color.
buttonSizexs, sm, md , lg, xlfalsefalsexsThe button size.
buttonFillContainerbooleanfalsefalsefalseWhether the button should fill the container.
buttonDisabledbooleanfalsefalsefalseWhether the button should be disabled.

Component controls

openid: stringOpen the'a')
closeid: stringClose the drawer.close('a')

Event handlers

The modal component has the following event handlers:

  • onOpen: Trigger a runnable when the drawer is opened.
  • onClose: Trigger a runnable when the drawer is closed.

Multiple runnables can be added to each event handler.