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The List component enables duplication of cards or rows with consistent structure, allowing for containment of other components. By default, editing or moving a component will apply changes to all cards or rows, while still allowing customization and exceptions for unique values per component.

To add a component to a list, you can either click on Insert while you select the container, or you can move an existing component by copy/pasting it.

Editing or moving a component will apply changes to all cards or rows.

To customize the settings of components within each time, you can use iter.index and iter.value.

  • iter.index will retrieve the index number of each card (0, 1, 2 etc.).


  • iter.value.key will retrieve the value of each key defined in the items section.

List components also support having inputs set inside them. Retrieve the values of each in the inputs field of the List component in the outputs menu.

The following section details List component's specific settings. For more details on the App editor, check the dedicated documentation or the App editor Quickstart:


This component can be controlled by frontend scripts using these functions:


Use the recompute function to recompute a component.


recompute(id: string)


id string The id of the component to recompute.



List configuration

itemsarraytruefalse3 itemsThe list items.
item keysstringtruefalse"foo": 1 ...The keys of each card.
Widthstringfalsefalse"Card"Whether items should be "Card" of "Full Row".
Min Width Pxnumbertruetrue300The minimum width in pixels. Only applies when "Width" is set to Card
Height Pxnumbertruetrue280The height in pixels.
Paginationstringfalsefalse"Managed by runnable"Pagination can be managed using two methods: By the component: Based on a specified page size, the component divides the array into several pages. By the runnable: The component shows all items, leaving the task of pagination to the runnable. The current page number is available in the component outputs.
Page countnumberfalsefalse1The number of pages. Only applies when pagination is managed by the runnable.
Page sizenumberfalsefalse3The number of items per page. Only applies when pagination is managed by component.
Display bordersbooleanfalsefalsetrueWhether to display borders around the list items.


resultanyThe result of the list component.
loadingbooleanThe loading state of the component.
inputsanyThe inputs of the component.
pagenumberThe current page number.