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Flow editor components

The Flow Builder has the following major components we will detail below:

  • Toolbar: the toolbar allows you to export the flow, configure the flow settings, and test the flow.
  • Settings: configure the flow settings.
  • Static Inputs: view all flow static inputs.
  • Flow Inputs: view all flow inputs.
  • Action: steps are the building blocks of a flow. They are the actions that will be executed when the flow is run.
  • Action editor: configure the action.

Example of a flow

Example of a flow in Windmill.


Flow Toolbar

The toolbar allows you to export the flow, configure the flow settings, and test the flow. Here are the different options available in the toolbar:

  • Summary: shortcut to edit the flow summary.
  • Previous/Next: undo actions.
  • Path: define the permissions of the flow.
  • menu:
    • Deployment History: view the deployment history of the flow.
    • Export: view the flow as JSON or YAML.
    • Edit in YAML: edit the flow in YAML.
  • Tutorial button: follow the tutorials, reset them or skip them.
  • Diff: view the diff between the current and the last version of the flow.
  • AI Builder: build flow with AI.
  • Test flow: open the flow test slider.
  • Test up to: open the flow test slider.
  • Draft: save the flow as draft (you can do it with shortcut Ctrl + S / ⌘ S).
  • Deploy: deploy the flow.

Export flow

The flow can be exported as JSON or YAML. The export will include the flow metadata, settings, and steps.

Flow Export

Edit in YAML

You can edit directly the yaml of flows within the flow editor.

In particular, you can:

  • Edit flow metadata.
  • Edit steps ids.
  • Edit steps features.
  • Edit steps code.


The tutorial button allows you to follow the tutorials, reset them or skip them.

The current tutorials on the Flow editor are:


The diff button allows you to view the diff between the current and the latest version of the flow.


The flow settings are divided into four tabs:


Each flow has metadata associated with it, enabling it to be defined and configured in depth.


Summary (optional) is a short, human-readable summary of the Script. It will be displayed as a title across Windmill. If omitted, the UI will use the path by default.


Path is the Flow's unique identifier that consists of the flow's owner, and the script's name. The owner can be either a user, or a group of users (folder).


This is where you can give instructions to users on how to run your Flow. It supports markdown.

Flow Metadata

Flow Metadata Markdown


Flows can be triggered by any schedules, their webhooks or their UI but they only have only one primary schedules with which they share the same path. The primary schedule can be set here.

A CRON expression is used to define the schedule. Schedules can also be disabled.

Flow Schedule


Have more details on all the ways to trigger flows here.

Shared Directory

Flows on Windmill are by default based on a result basis. A step will take as inputs the results of previous steps. And this works fine for lightweight automation.

For heavier ETLs, you might want to use the Shared Directory to share data between steps. Steps will share a folder at ./shared in which they can store heavier data and pass them to the next step.

Beware that the ./shared folder is not preserved across suspends and sleeps. The directory is temporary and active for the time of the execution.

To enable the shared directory, on the Settings menu, go to Shared Directory and toggle on Shared Directory on './shared'.

Flow Shared Directory

To use the shared directory, just load outputs using ./shared/${path} and call it for following steps.

Worker group tag

Flows can be assigned custom worker groups for efficient execution on different machines with varying specifications.

Worker group tag

Test flow

Test your current version of the flow with the Test flow button. This will opens a menu with an auto-generated UI of your current configuration.

You can also test up to a certain step by clicking on an action (x) and then on Test up to x.

At last, you can directly test a step.

Static inputs

This menu centralizes the static inputs of every steps. It is akin to a file containing all constants. Modifying a value here modify it in the step input directly. It is especially useful when forking a flow to get an overview of all the variables to parametrize that are not exposed directly as flow inputs.

Flow Inputs

In this section, you will learn how to add and configure flow inputs.

There are three ways to add flow inputs:

  • Customize the flow inputs.
  • Using a Request: send a POST request to a specific endpoint to add a flow input.
  • Copying the first step inputs.

Flows input are used to create an auto-generated UI for the flow.

Customize the flow inputs

To manually configure the flow inputs, click on Input. It will open a slider where you can configure the flow input. You can add one by filling its name and click on + Add field. For each field, you can configure the following:

  • Name: the name of the flow input.
  • Type: the type of the flow input: Integer, Number, String, Boolean, Array, Object, or Any.
  • Description: the description of the flow input.
  • Custom Title: will be displayed in the UI instead of the field name.
  • Placeholder: will be displayed in the input field when the field is empty. If not set, the default value (directly set from the script code) will be used. The placeholder is disabled depending on the field type, format, etc.
  • Field settings: advanced settings depending on the type of the field.

main function's arguments can be given advanced settings that will affect the inputs' auto-generated UI and JSON Schema.

Below is the list of all available advanced settings for each argument type:

TypeAdvanced Configuration
IntegerMin and Max. Currency. Currency locale.
NumberMin and Max. Currency. Currency locale.
StringMin textarea rows. Disable variable picker. Is Password (will create a variable when filled). Field settings: - File (base64) | Enum | Format: email, hostname, uri, uuid, ipv4, yaml, sql, date-time | Pattern (Regex)
BooleanNo advanced configuration for this type.
ObjectAdvanced settings are Resource Types.
Array- Items are strings | Items are strings from an enum | Items are objects (JSON) | Items are numbers | Items are bytes
AnyNo advanced configuration for this type.

Using a Request

For this example, we will use the following flow at path: u/test-user/my_flow.

You can send a POST request to the following endpoint with a payload to add a flow input: the payload will be interpreted to extract the flow input.

For example, using CURL:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"foo": 42}'

The flow input will be added with the following properties:

  • Name: foo
  • Type: Integer
  • Default value: 42

Copying the first step inputs

To copy the first step inputs, click on the First step inputs button.

Flow Actions

An action script is simply a script that is neither a trigger nor an approval script. Those are the majority of the scripts.

There are two ways to create an action script:

  • Write it directly in the flow editor.
  • Import it from the Hub.
  • Import it from the workspace.

Inline action script

You can either create a new action script in:

There are special kinds of scripts, SQL and query languages:

These are essentially TypeScript template to easily write queries to a database.

Triggering an action script from the Hub

You can refer to and trigger an action script from the Hub. You also have the possibility to fork it (copy it as an inline script) directly to modify its behavior.

Triggering an action script from the workspace

You can refer to and trigger an action script from the workspace. Similar to the previous section, you can copy the script to an inline flow script and modify it.

Flow action

Action editor

Windmill provide a web editor to write your scripts. It is available in the flow editor.

The script editor in split in three parts:

Action editor header

The header is composed of:

  • Summary: edit the summary of the script.
  • Shortcuts: shortcut to advanced configuration.
    1. Retries: configure the number of retries and the delay between each retry.
    2. Concurrency limit: set concurrency limits to prevent exceeding the API Limit of the targeted API.
    3. Cache: cache the results of a step for a specified time.
    4. Early stop/Break: if defined, at the end of the step, the predicate expression will be evaluated to decide if the flow should stop early. Skipped flows are just a label useful to not see them in the runs page. If stop early is run within a forloop, it will just break the for-loop and have it stop at that iteration instead of stopping the whole flow.
    5. Suspend: if defined, at the end of the step, the flow will be suspended until it receives external requests to be resumed or canceled. This is most useful for implementing approval steps but can be used flexibly for other purpose. To get the resume urls, use wmill.getResumeUrls() in TypeScript, or wmill.get_resume_urls() in Python.
    6. Sleep: if defined, at the end of the step, the flow will sleep for a number of seconds before scheduling the next job (if any, no effect if the step is the last one). Sleeping is passive and does not consume any resources.
    7. Mock: when a step is mocked, it will immediately return the mocked value without performing any computation.

Script editor

  • Context var: add a context variable to the script.
  • Var: add an input variable to the script.
  • Resource: add a resource to the script.
  • Reset: reset the script to its initial state.
  • Assistant: reload the LSP assistant.
  • Format: format the script. Can be triggerd on save (CTRL+S).
  • Script: view hub or workspace script code.

Step configuration/Test this step

The step configuration is composed of three parts:

Step input

Step input

Inputs of a script can be defined in the step configuration. They can be configured in three ways:

  • Templatable string: a templatable string is a string that can be templated with context variables. It is defined by wrapping the string with ${ and }. For example, ${context.var} is a templatable string that will be replaced by the value of the context variable var.
  • Dynamic: JS expression that will be evaluated at runtime. The expression can use context variables and input variables. For example, context.var is a dynamic expression that will be replaced by the value of the context variable var.
  • Static: a static value that will be used as is. For example, static value is a static value that will be used as is.
Templatable string/Static

The templatable string and static value can be combined. For example, ${context.var} static value is a templatable string that will be replaced by the value of the context variable var and then concatenated with the static value static value.

`${context.var} static value`;

JS expression that will be evaluated at runtime.

[1, 2, 3, 4].reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
Insert mode

There are two insert modes:

  • Append: append a context variable, a flow input or a resource at the cursor position
  • Connect: replace the current value by a context variable, a flow input or a resource

Clicking on a field will set the mode to "Append". Clicking on the "Connect" button will set the mode to "Connect".

Test this step

Test this step

The test this step section allows to test the step on its own. You can set the input and run the script. The result and logs are displayed on the left-hand side.


The advanced section allows to configure the following: